The American Legion Department of Nevada Post 76 hereby authorizes the establishment of an Amateur Radio Club as an activity for the members of the Post, which will operate radio equipment in accordance with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules.

The organization shall be known as the “American Legion Post 76 Amateur Radio Club” (here after referred to as “The Club”).

The Club will be a non-commercial association of persons who are military veterans and Legionnaires interested in amateur radio communication, organized for the promotion of such interest.  The Club encourages experimentation, education, and establishment of emergency communications in the event of natural disasters or other emergencies.  In addition, the members of The Club will strive to advance the radio art for the benefit of the public welfare and will represent amateur radio in legislative matters, while maintaining a spirit of collegiality and a high standard of personal conduct.

Non-Profit Organization
The Club will be a non-profit organization.  No profit or financial gain shall inure to any individual member.

Post Representative
Upon initiation of new Post officers, the Post Commander will select a Post member who holds a valid FCC amateur radio license to be the Post’s Representative to The Club.

The Club shall be open to all Legionnaires and their families who are interested in amateur radio without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, gender, or handicap.

Fiscal Year
The Club fiscal year be the same as the Post 76 fiscal year.

The Club shall be organized and operated under a separate set of Bylaws, as approved by the Post 76 Executive Board as adopted by The Club members, and all amateur radio activities and operations of The Club shall be in accordance with FCC rules.

In the event of a dissolution of The Club, all club assets shall become the property of Post 76, to be disposed of at the discretion of the Post 76 Executive Board.
Articles of Organization (Page 2)

The officers of The Club shall be:  President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership Chairman.

Term of Office
The officers of The Club shall be elected to serve a term of two years.

Eligibility for Office
All members in good standing with the American Legion Post 76 who are at least 21 years of age and licensed by the FCC as amateur radio operators of any classification shall be eligible to hold any Club office, except that no individual shall hold more than one elected office at any one time.

Duties of the Officers
The President will supervise all the affairs of The Club as stipulated in The Club Bylaws and will be the authorized signatory of all contracts and legal documents executed by The Club.  The President may assign and authorize another member to sign specific contracts or documents except where prohibited by The Club Bylaws.  The President shall appoint all standing and special committees and each committee’s chairperson and will serve as an ex-officio member of each committee.  The President shall report to The Club membership regarding the status and condition of The Club at each regular monthly Club meeting and shall perform all other duties as stipulated in The Club Bylaws.

Vice President
The Vice President shall perform such duties as are incidental to the office as stipulated in the bylaws of The Club.  In addition, the Vice President shall temporarily assume all the duties of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President and shall permanently assume said duties should the office of President become vacant.

The Secretary shall perform all recording duties as required for the operation of The Club as stipulated in the Bylaws.  The Secretary shall maintain and publish the minutes of all Regularl and Special meetings of The Club and the Board of Directors, sign all documents and other instruments that require the Secretary’s signature, and report on and perform such duties which are incidental to the office. The Secretary shall maintain custody of all Club records and post all notices regarding all Club meetings, Board of Directors meetings, and notices of all Club special events and activities.  The Secretary shall perform all other duties assigned by the President.

The Treasurer shall collect membership dues and all other monies due The Club in a timely manner.  The Treasurer will ensure that all Club money is deposited in a Club Checking account, opened jointly by the Treasurer and President.  All disbursements from The Club account maintained by the Treasurer will require the approval of the President and signature of the Treasurer.  All disbursements over $100 will require approval by the Board of Directors.  The Treasurer shall maintain a complete and current record of all financial transactions made using The Club’s account and report the record to the members at each general Club meeting.  An audit of The Club’s account may be completed at any time the President appoints an audit committee consisting of the Vice President and two Club members at large.  A copy of such audit will be provided to the Board of Directors of The Club.  If such an audit uncovers any discrepancies or irregularities, the Post 76 Commander may order a second audit performed by the Post 76 Vice Commander and two Post 76 members at large, or an outside accountant.

Articles of Organization (Page 3)

Membership Chairman
The Membership Chairman shall be the primary contact for new Club members and will encourage and facilitate the new members’ participation in all Club activities.  The Membership Chairman will write and send a “welcome letter” to all new members describing The Club’s structure, activities, and operation schedules.  The Membership Chairman will maintain a current list of The Club’s members, including names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses, and any other information required for effective communication between the members and The Club.  If authorized by The Club, the Membership Chairman will distribute a Club Newsletter.

Vacating of an Office
When an officer vacates an office for any reason, that officer will, in accordance with The Club Bylaws, immediately return any items belonging to The Club which are in that officer’s possession to the successor of the office or to any other officer if the successor is not available.

Filling of Vacancies
Any vacancy of an office will be filled by a majority vote of the members present at the next General meeting of The Club in accordance with the Bylaws.  The elected officer will serve the unexpired term of the vacant office.

Board of Directors
The Club Board of Directors shall include the elected officers of The Club and any other Club members appointed by the President.

The Board of Directors of The Club will create the Bylaws necessary and suitable for the efficient and ethical operation of The Club, and those bylaws will then be approved the by the Executive Board of Post 76.  All proposed amendments to the Bylaws shall be approved by The Club’s Board of Directors and submitted to the Executive Board of Post 76 for approval.

Adoption of Articles of Organization   
These Articles of Organization creating the American Legion Post 76 Amateur Radio Club have been approved by the Post 76 Executive Board and presented to a General Meeting of Post 76 members for adoption. 



 ___________________________________             ___________________

     Michael Percival, Post 76 Commander                            Date

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